Monday, April 29, 2019

My Immortal Tattoo

Image result for ted talks

I do not have any tattoos.  I truly never plan on getting one, as I am a baby when it comes to needles. 

However, when Juan Enriquez began his TedTalk by talking about online tattoos, I began to think differently about my own life.  Had I really had a tattoo this whole time without knowing it?

Image result for ted talk juan enriquez

However, his TedTalk did not make me really reflect on my own online decisions, but of the actions of a girl who had online bullied me for a whole summer.  As long as that will live with me emotionally, that is a part of her online immortal tattoo, and I wonder if she will regret it later in life, as some people do when they reflect on tattoos they got when they were younger. 

Image result for ted talk darieth chisolm 

The TedTalk on revenge porn, or what Darieth Chisolm now calls “digital domestic violence”, almost did not shock me at all.  I have heard many stories of this happening to friends, or friends of friends, and it makes me sick to think someone would be willing to ruin someone else’s life just because they were rejected.  “When they can’t physically put their hands on you, they use different weapons,” Chisolm goes on to explain. After watching this, I really reevaluated the type of information I share with new people in my life, because you really never know how they might turn out.  

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