Thursday, April 11, 2019

My Social Media Presence

My online presence spans across many different websites that include: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and VSCO.  These are all social media cites in which you can connect with other people in a multitude of ways, including posting and direct messaging.  Although I have accounts with all of these social media platforms, I do not believe my online footprint is that large.  I do not believe this because I rarely ever post content of my own, only ever interacting with other accounts from mine. 

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On most of my social media accounts, such as Facebook and Instagram, I post only a couple times a year.  Most people can find more updates about me through my friends and their accounts, as they post more than I do.  I never found that I liked posting, as it always gave me a sort of anxiety about the amount of engagement I had compared to my friends.  

Social media does put a lot of pressure on an individual to look and act perfectly.  Any simple mistake will be called out, and people will hate on you, or you in general, for no reason. A person that makes their job around social media has to have the toughest skin.  

Social media can definitely make a person feel the loneliest or depressed.  On one hand, you can feel lonely because a person can have a lot of online friends, and none in real life.  They count on the other people behind the screens, but have no one to rely on in person.  On another hand, many become depressed because they do not have the same lifestyle or look the same as another person online.  Girls often compare themselves, wanting the perfect features that are shown online, even though most of them are fake.  

I have personally learned that social media and the standards set on them should not determine how you view your life. Everyone has grown up in different circumstances, and comparing yourself to another person will only hurt your confidence in the end. 

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