Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Group Presentation Reaction

This week, our Media Law and Literacy class had the responsibility of conducting group presentations surrounded around 4 different topics: Awareness, Mediasphere, Theories, and Policy.  As previously stated in one of my last posts, my group had the topic of policy.

After watching all of the great presentations, the one that stayed with me the most was the group that presented on theories.  Not only did this group have a cohesive and interesting presentation, but I also learned a lot that I had never known before from their presentation.  

One topic that stood out to me the most was the theory of the spiral of silence, which basically says that people tend to not voice their opinion if it does not agree with the majority.  I had never known before this class that there was an actual name for this phenomenon, but I definitely had experienced it myself before.  I believe that this theory affects almost every single person at one point in their life.  No one wants to be the odd person out, so voicing an opinion that is opposite of the majority goes against our natural instinct to do what everyone else does.  It is hard to speak your truth, but sometimes it is necessary because other people may actually agree, but are in the same position of being too afraid to speak out.  It only ever takes one person to be comfortable enough to speak out for others to follow.  

Image result for speak out quotes

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