Friday, April 26, 2019

"Cancelled" Culture - When Will it Stop?

Over the past 10 years or so, social media has taken over people's lives.  It is routine now to wake up and immediately go to your socials to find out what is going on in the world, whether that be politically or the recent scandal of your favorite celebrity or online influencer.  On the internet, everything you post or connect with is documented.  As we have talked about extensively in my Media Law class, our online footprint can define what type of person we are to others, such as a potential significant other, an employer, or even if a person maintains a fan base.  

In the last couple of years, people have dug up old posts from celebrities or influencers that may contain homophobic language, racial slurs, or otHer types of hateful language. This has ultimately brought about the action of many people "cancelling" these celebrities or influencers over these old posts. This means that the person who made the mistake could be seen as one of many things: a bad role model, a hateful person, a racist, homophobic, etc. An apology in the form of a video or post usually follows these outcries; however, many do not accept their apologies to be genuine.

I personally dislike this "cancel culture" our society has adopted.  I see this as prohibiting people from making mistakes, and also does not allow them to grow and learn from mistakes that are made.  I despise the way people now think that they are perfect beings compared to others just because they never posted something stupid online.  Every single person makes mistakes, and everyone should be given the same opportunity to learn and move on from those mistakes.  If not, we will all eventually get stuck living in the past and become even more sensitive than we are now.  With the growing acceptance and rejection of many things in our culture, these platforms have allowed for our society to become overly sensitive.  This, in my opinion, is why cancel culture is so popular right now. As more people talk about it and the problems surrounding cancel culture, I believe it will start to decline.  People will be able to live, learn, grow, and move on from their mistakes without losing their whole career and reputation. 

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