Sunday, April 28, 2019

HPU Panthers: Sport Culture, or the Lack Thereof

   The High Point University Panthers have 16 teams that compete in the Big South Conference.

   The men's lacrosse program is the only one that does not, as they compete in the Southern Conference.  Just this past weekend, they won that conference.

   How many students paid attention to this big feat? The sport culture inside of High Point University slowly grows as the years pass. Trying to get more involvement of fans in the school sports is a hard tasks.  At the end of the 2017-2018 school year, a survey was sent school wide on the students' opinions on the school sports and how they can get more involvement. Many more sports fans come from outside of the gated walls. 

   "The team is ranked so it definitely brings more involvement. But the sports culture here is still not as good as it could be.  Tailgates before games have brought a lot more attention to some of the sports games which helps," comments Mason Kearns, a color broadcaster for the men's lacrosse program.

   The men's lacrosse teams success this past year has increasingly brought more fans to light, as many of the students have posted more about the results of the games than ever before.  Ever since the Panthers beat the Blue Devils, fans have kept their eye out for more opportunities to see how one of their best ranked teams of all time is doing.

   Success ultimately brings increased interest and viewers.  If all goes well, the men's lacrosse games can begin to set a precedent for student involvement in supporting their peers in sports. 

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