Thursday, March 7, 2019

SCOTUS: We the People Trust in You!

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), consisting of nine justices, has become one of the most powerful justice systems in the world. The people of our country, over time, have voluntarily put our trust into this small group to determine the constitutionality of laws and preside over cases that want a second chance. The Supreme Court receives approximately 100 new petitions every single day, according to the video shown in the Media Law class I am currently taking.  Out of the 7,000 or more petitions received in a year, SCOTUS takes on a total of 100 of these cases.

Image result for us supreme court

Before watching this video, I had never known this fact. Additionally, I wonder how many other Americans do not know recognize how much trust we put in to our Supreme Court, as We the People do not have any hand in choosing our justices. We put our full trust in the President of the United States and our Senators to choose and approve of the right justices to preside over our country. I believe our system of checks and balances written into the Constitution has really set apart our government from any other system worldwide. This system has not failed yet, and that is why I believe we have so much trust in our Supreme Court until this day.

For any other information on this topic, I would also visit this link to learn more.

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