Thursday, January 24, 2019

Read All About It!

"The media's the most powerful entity on earth.  They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the mind of the masses." - Malcolm X

Below are a list of my top 5 news outlets that I visit on a weekly or daily basis:

1. Twitter
Although not a traditional news media outlet, I admit that I check Twitter multiple time throughout the day to see what is going on in the world.  I have found that this is where I find breaking news the quickest, despite the fact that the news shared might be inaccurate or bias for retweets.  Twitter has seemed like the best starting place for me to figure out what I would be interested in looking for on my other new sites. 

Yahoo! News is the news outlet I rely on to give me a variety of topics to choose from, such as sports, politics, and pop culture.  This source provides articles from different news outlets, allowing a person to view stories they may not have seen while only using one news source. I usually go to this website at the start of my day to get caught up on the hot topics in different genres of news. 

As a Sports Communication Major and a sport fanatic, I check ESPN quite regularly for the latest on my favorite teams, players, and news surrounding the different leagues.  I rely on this source almost daily to not only keep me updated on the world I want to work in, but also give me insight as to how I can improve my writing, research and broadcasting in this field to fit the expectations set by ESPN for their reporters.

4. CNN 
Although under a lot of scrutiny recently for being a part of the "Fake News" phenomenon, CNN has always been the news source I relied on for my information on what is happening not only nationally, but also worldwide.  I find that these stories are easy to follow, and the journalists try to cover as much of the topic as they can.  I believe that if people took time out to read the entirety of the articles, CNN would not be judged as harshly. 

5. E! News
For my pop culture fix, I check and follow the posts from E! News daily. This news gives me a type of escape from my regular college life into the reality of actors, musicians, and trashy reality tv stars that I can't help but love to keep track of.